& Mentoring


Coaching has the power of developing talents and organizations at all levels. And that is the reason why Startups, Big Companies, Entrepreneurs and Executives are using Coaching much more often.

Coaching Is:

In summary: Coaching gives you a window of time to think in ourselves, define our objectives & elaborate plans to achieve them.

qué es el coaching

How does Coaching work for the customer?

In summary: the content and objectives are fixed by the customer; the Coach guides the process..



Areas of Coaching and Mentoring where I can help you:



process of Business Coaching gives you the possibility of creating a space to think, to work in the present & future of your company, in any of the areas you need: strategy, action plans, organizational culture, efficiency & ways of working among others.



Team Coaching Process is unbelievably valuable to generate more autonomous, motivated & high-performance teams. 

On top of the specific results achieved by those teams, these processes have as result new habits & dynamics between them, that used in the daily routine of the company is greatly beneficial.



A process of Executive Coaching gives you the possibility of creating a space to think, in you as a leader, in your team management, in your company strategy, in your relationship with other team members & stakeholders, that allows you to be ready for the future with higher guarantee of success.



If you got involved in a Career Coaching Process, you achieve results that are key to define your professional future: you know what you want to do, where you want to go, what kind of positions you would like to apply for, and overall to know which results and journey will make you happier.



Life Coaching process gives you a safe space to think and define what do you want to do in the different areas of your life: personal, professional, relations, family…everything. 

Coaching is not exclusive for big companies and executive boards. Coaching is valid for any single person that want to think in his/her life and achieve certain objectives. People are sometimes very much surprised with the things that are coming out in a Coaching session.
































LEADERSHIP training:

Desenvolver competências de liderança é fundamental, já que as organizações necessitam que os seus responsáveis e gestores saibam “agir” e “fazer agir” de forma cada vez mais autónoma, corresponsável e competente – de forma a mobilizarem os seus colaboradores para obter resultados.

Reuniones Coaching Mobile

Audiencia: Top & middle Management, team leaders, teams.

Leadership áreas to cover:

Proactivity e influenncia


Choices & efficiency


Win win Solutions

Behaviour & Communciation

Tipos de formação

– Leadership talk: motivational talk to organizations

2 hours

– Leadership: Workshop for leaders: 8-16 hours. Deep dive on the key skills that a leader should develope to maximize his/her performance.

– Training Workshop for Team leaders  & teams: 4-12 horas

Optimize teams Ways of doing while sharing a leadership culture

30% Theorical / 70% practice