Business Coaching

A process of Business Coaching gives you the possibility of creating a space to think, to work in the present & future of your company, in any of the areas you need: strategy, action plans, organizational culture, efficiency & ways of working among others.

What are your needs?

Business Coaching reunion

How I can help you?

The process to achieve your objectives is completely adapted to your needs. See here an example of how we can structure the process:



Objectives definition moment, involving all the Key Stakeholders..

reuniones individuales

Individual Meetings Kick off

 Individual spaces of reflection for any of the stakeholders.

kick off

Team Kick Off

1st team working session: diagnosis and roadmap definition.

sesiones regulares

Regular Sessions

They can be individual or team sessions. Number of sessions vary depending on the Project.

cierre y aprendizaje

Closing & Learning.

Includes celebration for the objectives achieved.



Momento para definir los objetivos involucrando los Key Stakeholders.

reuniones individuales


Crear un espacio individual de reflexión de cada stakeholder utilizando el coaching como base de co-creation.

kick off


1ª sesión de trabajo en equipo: diagnostico + definir roadmap de trabajo.

sesiones regulares


(individuales o de equipos) + Follow up: el número de sesiones será variable en función del proyecto.

cierre y aprendizaje


Incluye celebración por los objetivos alcanzados.

competencias de coaching

The Core Coaching Competencies of the International Coach Federation (ICF) and my background in multinationals environment for 20 years, are the base that allows me to lead a process that help you to achieve your objectives. Additionally, I use Team coaching methodologies and some specific tools that can be useful in this kind of processes: 

Benefits for your company:

Make Coaching
a Way of Being for your company!!!
Oliver Pérez Ebook

Download the free tool

“Thinking partnership tool”. It will help you to define next steps for you and/or your company.

Download pdf

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LEADERSHIP training:

Desenvolver competências de liderança é fundamental, já que as organizações necessitam que os seus responsáveis e gestores saibam “agir” e “fazer agir” de forma cada vez mais autónoma, corresponsável e competente – de forma a mobilizarem os seus colaboradores para obter resultados.

Reuniones Coaching Mobile

Audiencia: Top & middle Management, team leaders, teams.

Leadership áreas to cover:

Proactivity e influenncia


Choices & efficiency


Win win Solutions

Behaviour & Communciation

Tipos de formação

– Leadership talk: motivational talk to organizations

2 hours

– Leadership: Workshop for leaders: 8-16 hours. Deep dive on the key skills that a leader should develope to maximize his/her performance.

– Training Workshop for Team leaders  & teams: 4-12 horas

Optimize teams Ways of doing while sharing a leadership culture

30% Theorical / 70% practice