Lead yourself
to a brighter you

Lead yourself
to a brighter you

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How I can help you?

Coaching is present in my DNA, together with my 20 years of experience in multinational companies: leading teams, developing leaders & accelerating business. 


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Hi, I’m Oliver Perez.

Hi, I’m Oliver Perez.

Welcome! Thank you for being here! 

Most people don’t know this, but after 20 years of career in multinational companies, managing teams and being part of Executive Committees, I made a choice in my life when I discovered Coaching. Coaching is not magic, but it has its power of helping us to achieve our objectives. 

I am Executive Coach and I help individuals, teams, and organizations. Who knows me well, knows that I like to help others, and that it’s one of the things that most energy brings me.


My choose is my mission,
to make Coaching a way of being.

Coaching is:

Coaching has the power of developing talents & organizations at all levels. And that’s the reason why Startups, Big Companies, Entrepreneurs & Executives are using Coaching much more often.

Analysing this definition by parts, Coaching is:

  • a chat (or several) between 2 parts: coach & customer (individual or team). 
  • 100% confidential and under the ethic code of the ICF (International Coach Federation)
  • where my job is to listen to you & do the right questions (the ones you will never do it to you). 
  • and finally, you can have several points of view, that will be the base to take your decisions and to achieve your objectives.


In Summary: coaching gives you a window of time to think in ourselves, define our objectives & elaborate a plan to achieve them. 

My experience

This is what my customers are saying

Avelino Morales
Avelino MoralesSales Manager / Legal Advisor
When I started to have coaching sessions with Oliver, it was because I want to control my professional future. I was lost, with doubts, …, but the truth is that after each session, everything was clearer. I didn’t know what to expect about Coaching, but now every time I have a coaching session, I know I will have clearer ideas. Even experiencing the “uncomfortable questions” he makes me. I am sure I want a job that makes me happy, and that’s the reason why the discovery of coaching has been so important for me!! Thanks Oliver!! Keep going!!
Pedro Peres
Pedro Peres Telecommunications and Information Technology Consultant
I worked in Coaching with Oliver, mainly in the scope of team management. I was managing a team, with different members profiles, with objectives not aligned between them and even with different motivations. In our sessions, my aim was to learn how to guide the team dynamics and how to get them into the same direction. This process went very well, and I learned that when you focus on the team’s goals, you end up achieving good results, both collectively and individually. There were sessions and experiences full of learnings, which I use every time I need them. Thank you Oliver!
Cyrille Auguste
Cyrille Auguste Chief Executive Officer at BONDUELLE EUROPE LONG LIFE
I’ve known Oli since we worked at the same company together in the past. This year I had a need and I contacted him to see if he could help me: without going into great details, it as a project that brought together the leaders of several countries in my company (USA, Russia, France) for which I need someone to coordinate the project & lead the entire process. I thought about Oli because in addition to his experience in Team Coaching, I also knew his experience in Marketing and FMCG, which made the whole process easier. My goal was accomplished. Oli manage the ensure the entire process and achieved what we wanted for the project. I already knew him from another field, but joining his Team Coaching Skills was a great asset to the project. We will definitively work together again!
Eva Andrade
Eva AndradeCEO & Teacher Academia Cosmos
Undoubtedly, one of the best investments I have made in my professional and emotional live to date has been to count on Oliver. He is a high-quality professional, who takes the client needs from the first moment and is always available to help, independently of the business area or job in question. He always has a very out-of-the box vision and pragmatic approach, which helps to see the problems with another perspective and helps to find unexpected solutions. I always end a session with an answer! In addition, he is extremely sensitive, and it looks like he takes client’s needs as his own, giving a more quality & human perspective in all our sessions. On top, he makes an exhaustive follow-up of the evolution of the “home-work”, being always available for what needed. 100% recommendable!
Carlos Acosta
To work with Oli is synonymous of having the best version of yourself. I was lucky sharing with him my first professional steps. And now we are together again through Coaching, in a key moment for our entrepreneurship project, being unbelievably valuable for us. Every Coaching session with him generates in us the motivation to do the things even better, to have a better structure and planning, and continue building the vision where we want to lead our company! Thanks Oli.
Olga Darias
Oliver has helped us a lot to improve our company management and our strategic vision. You easily notice when people have passion for what they do and how single words produce changes that with the time you realize they have been crucial.  He helps to look to the future with a clear objective and to design the way to achieve it. During the sessions you have your time to think and analyse all the details that can have a significative impact, and thanks to that you feel you are ready to lead and achieve better results. With him you discover there is no roof, making more passionate the way to your professional and personal development. We’ll be always grateful.

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Leadership Training Framework.

The organizational world is evolving continuously, taking at the centre of its evolution the new discoveries in technology. But even though, there are human skills

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Oliver Pérez Ebook

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“Thinking partnership tool”. It will help you to define next steps for you and/or your company.

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LEADERSHIP training:

Desenvolver competências de liderança é fundamental, já que as organizações necessitam que os seus responsáveis e gestores saibam “agir” e “fazer agir” de forma cada vez mais autónoma, corresponsável e competente – de forma a mobilizarem os seus colaboradores para obter resultados.

Reuniones Coaching Mobile

Audiencia: Top & middle Management, team leaders, teams.

Leadership áreas to cover:

Proactivity e influenncia


Choices & efficiency


Win win Solutions

Behaviour & Communciation

Tipos de formação

– Leadership talk: motivational talk to organizations

2 hours

– Leadership: Workshop for leaders: 8-16 hours. Deep dive on the key skills that a leader should develope to maximize his/her performance.

– Training Workshop for Team leaders  & teams: 4-12 horas

Optimize teams Ways of doing while sharing a leadership culture

30% Theorical / 70% practice